Frequently Asked Questions

Dealing with The Lawn Business

Not at all. Our professional services can be taken at any time of the year and cancelled at any time with reasonable notice.

Payment becomes due once the relevant work or treatment has been carried out. Payment can be made by bank transfer or cash, whatever is easier for you. We do not insist on direct debit or other monthly payment plans although these can be arranged very easily if you prefer.

For larger renovation work, we may request an advance payment is made to cover any initial materials costs and to mitigate non-payment risk once the large job has been completed.

Absolutely! We would start with the relevant treatment at the time of joining and go from there, no problem.
Absolutely. We holding all relevant licences required by applicable regulations to apply the pesticides that we use.
Being environmentally aware and responsible is a core value of The Lawn Business – we even source the majority of our uniforms from charity shops! The fertilisers we use are predominantly organic-based with no plastic coating. We do not routinely apply fungicides or insecticides and whilst we do use herbicides these are specifically designed to be used on lawns, we are trained and licensed to apply them and we ensure that we comply with all applicable regulations to ensure they are used safely. This includes “spot spraying” on areas where there are few weeds to avoid unnecessary use – this is not us saving on herbicide cost, it is us using herbicide responsibly!
Not at all. The Lawn Business can work alongside gardeners and be flexible around scheduling a visit to suit lawn mowing/gardening arrangements.
As long as we have access to the lawn through a suitably-sized access point we can carry out the scheduled work without you needing to stay home. We are happy to hold key codes, passcodes etc if you would like but we do not hold keys. We are police-checked, polite and trustworthy and you can rest assured your property will be respected and treated carefully.
We will contact you a week or two in advance to confirm our next visit to your property. If this needs to be changed for any reason, the date can be adjusted. We will always knock before gaining access to let you know we are there and will always send a confirmation message once we have completed the work.

Ideally yes! This is for you and your lawn as well as for our benefit. Whilst we try to be helpful, we will not move items which may be damaged and as a result we have to treat around them – meaning there will necessarily be patches of your lawn that will be missed. Lawn items should always be removed in any event to prevent damaging the lawn underneath.

It is also pretty unpleasant if dog mess is left on the lawn, especially when we are carrying out renovation work. Please make sure this is cleared away before each visit.

No. The Lawn Business is an independent, family-owned business. We consciously set out to be a small, local, independent professional lawn care business – a business which can provide a local, personal service to be trusted.

The Lawn Business services

A healthy, well maintained lush green lawn is in itself one of the most pleasing sights to see in a garden. It is welcoming, enjoyable and also somehow sets off the rest of the garden. As with many things in nature, a lawn left to its own devices will naturally deteriorate – weeds and moss will creep in, thatch will build up, soil will be compacted and the desirable grass types will start to struggle and thin out. A lawn will not improve on its own and professional lawn care intervention is a hassle-free services for you, saving you time, stress and money and ensuring effective results.

Lawns are also fantastic for the environment – no plastic like artificial grass, and no flood risk like hard paving. Lawns can enhance wellbeing and mental health as well as providing a carbon store, reducing flooding risk and providing a cooling effect by absorbing and using solar heat.

Yes – the products we source and apply are deemed safe where applied by trained professionals. Where we have applied a liquid treatment, we advise that pets and children are kept off the lawn for 2-3 hours, mainly to allow the product to be absorbed through the leaves and to prevent it being “walked in”. Some liquid treatments containing iron can stain.

Care should be taken with grazing and pecking animals (rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks), which should be kept off the lawn until the treatment has been fully absorbed into the plant/soil. You may want to designate a “no treatment” zone where an area of lawn is frequently used by such animals.

Many of the products we use are only available to professionals and will not appear in DIY stores. Our products are specialist and professionals and are not comparable to DIY products – our products are much more effective and much longer-lasting. Our costs per lawn treatment start at £21, which not only comprises these professional products but also our expertise in sourcing and applying them and our physical delivery to your lawn. No hassle to you, no time-wasting surveying a vast array of bewilderingly similar products on shelves and no problems with ensuring correct rate of application – we have done all this for you!
This all depends on the work to be carried out, the size of the lawn and the prevailing weather conditions. The majority of renovations are completed in the same day. If they cannot be, we will return at the earliest opportunity to complete the work.

The answer to this depends on a large number of factors, many out of our control. We are working with nature which takes its time so patience is key!

Seed germination and shoot development depends on nutrition, water, warmth, light, soil condition and seed viability. We usually expect good germination within 2-4 weeks.

Fertiliser also takes time to be penetrate into the soil and be taken up by the grass plants. Visual difference is usually seen within a week or two.

Our weedkillers work on the basis of accelerated growth, the weed effectively outgrows itself and dies off. This can take between 2 and 3 weeks.

We would always recommend that each one of the treatments in our Lawn Treatment Programme are taken in order to ensure a healthy and resilient lawn throughout the year. Whilst growth in winter is slowed right down, the Winter treatment is designed to combat the specific challenges of that season in order to maintain health in the plant and maximise survival in advance of the next growing season.

Prior to any renovation work, the lawn should be cut as short as possible without scalping it. The lawn can be cut prior to a lawn treatment but it is not essential provided the the lawn is not overgrown as this can prevent the products reaching the soil.

The lawn should not be cut for a couple of days following a lawn treatment to ensure the product is absorbed properly.

The majority of our treatments can be applied in rain conditions – in fact, our granular treatments are triggered more effectively if they are washed in by rainfall or irrigation. Liquid treatments which are designed to be taken up by the plant leaves may need to be rescheduled if rain prevails or is imminent – this is at our discretion and there will be no extra cost.

No. Whilst we will endeavour to ensure all waste is placed in green bin, bags or as otherwise arranged with you, The Lawn Business is not a licensed waste carrier and as such your waste from the lawn will be left on site for your disposal.

Lawn care advice

At present, we do not apply pest control products. We are happy to advise in relation to pest damage whether from chafer grubs or leatherjackets through to badgers and moles but we do not currently provide pest control services.
If you want a lush, green lawn as much as possible throughout the year then watering will be required if there is insufficient rainfall. Watering is a personal choice of course bearing in mind environmental concerns and water availability and we respect your choice. Our Water Conserver treatment can reduce the amount of manual irrigation required although is not a substitute for watering.

Many of the products we use are only available to professionals and will not appear in DIY stores. Our products are specialist and professionals and are not comparable to DIY products – our products are much more effective and much longer-lasting. Our costs per lawn treatment start at £21, which not only comprises these professional products but also our expertise in sourcing and applying them and our physical delivery to your lawn. No hassle to you, no time-wasting surveying a vast array of bewilderingly similar products on shelves and no problems with ensuring correct rate of application – we have done all this for you!

It is also preferable to water the lawn a day or two after a granular product has been applied if there has been insufficient rainfall to enhance the products efficacy. Further advice is provided in our Guide to Watering and Mowing.

The presence of mushrooms/toadstools is not generally a concern in terms of the health of the lawn and they can be carefully removed and disposed of. Sometimes, they may be evidence of a fungal disease such as “fairy rings” which can damage the lawn. The Lawn Business does not currently apply fungicides and recommend preventative measures such as proper nutrition programmes, aeration and scarification. We are also able to advise on the rectification of disease damage.